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Sleep Medicine



Study of sleep disorders: neurological (neurodegenerative diseases, etc.), pneumologic (OSAS), even at the level of the microstructure of sleep.

Modelling of physiological sleep by means of mathematical analysis of chaotic systems.

Development of wireless systems for multi-channel polysomnographic recordings.


Group’s ECR Sectors:

LS5_11 - Neurological disorders (e.g. Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, Parkinson's disease)

LS5_8 - Behavioural neuroscience (e.g. sleep, consciousness, handedness)

LS7_1 - Medical engineering and technology

LS7_2 - Diagnostic tools (e.g. genetic, imaging)



Stura I, Priano L, Mauro A, Guiot C, Venturino E. (2013) Double-layered models can explain macro and micro structure of human sleep. International journal of neural systems 23(2) 1350008 [DOI  PMID]

Albani G, Raspelli S, Carelli L, Priano L, Pignatti R, Morganti F, Gaggioli A, Weiss PL, Kizony R, Katz N, Mauro A, Riva G. (2011) Sleep dysfunctions influence decision making in undemented Parkinson's disease patients: a study in a virtual supermarket. Studies in health technology and informatics 163 8-10 [PMID]

Priano L, Saccomandi F, Mauro A, Guiot C. (2010) Non-linear recurrence analysis of NREM human sleep microstructure discloses deterministic oscillation patterns related to sleep stage transitions and sleep maintenance. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference 2010 4934-7 [DOI  PMID]

Last update: 21/08/2015 15:16
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